Freight markets turned upside down? The opinion of MFO experts!


The air freight market is again growing strongly, driven by demand. There are a several reasons for this, including:
Lack of capacity in the market as airfreight passenger carriers still have about 30% of their fleet parked due to the impact of Covid,
- End of the year push with the launch of new hi-tech products,
- Strong e-commerce activity initially pushed by the change of consumer habit due to Covid,
- End of the year push for many Christmas products,
- Demands for PPE products also remains very strong, 
- Carriers controlling more closely capacity put back in the market better control their yield,
- Struggle on the sea market to access capacity and equipment,

In the past few weeks, we have seen a steep increase per kilo basis from a market like China where demands remain very strong, and some experts worry that the market could go back to the high price level that occurred during the “mostly global” lockdown (TheloadStar).

MyFreightOnline is coping with this by using a mix of solutions tailored to minimize impact to our customers such as: 
- Granting access to our global block space contract with major carriers,
- Negotiating with carriers for additional access to capacity,
- Working hand in hand with our customers to anticipate logistic needs,
- Organizing specific charter solution for customers having this kind of need,
- Putting in place additional capacity with charter flights on all major routes for our clients,

We are also able to offer alternative routing solutions such as :
- routing freight via our different gateways around the globe
- offering sea-air solutions or rails


With the return of the Golden Week and the prospect of a late Chinese New Year, the maritime market has not seen any peaceful news for the last 12 months.

Indeed the episode of the strikes of 2019, the introduction of the IMO 2020, Covid, and other capacity withdrawals, the tension is more than established on all trades. For example, record price levels on trans-Pacific routes and an SCFI (Shanghai Container Freight Index) that has exceeded USD 4,500 for the past 8 weeks.

With a total of nearly 200 service cancellations on the Asia/Europe route (+150% vs 2019), the October/November period usually known as the slack season, the strong demand on the market confirms the trend of the atypical year 2020. 

Carriers who continue to maintain controlled capacity and after announcing the extension of PSS (Peak Season Surcharges) or other GRI (General Rate Increase), they find themselves in a situation of equipment shortage in a large number of Asian ports and particularly in China.
With customized solutions, the MyFreightOnline teams offer you a wide choice of shipping companies, premium service possibilities, and access to NOR (Non-Operating Reefer) equipment to accompany you during this challenging period.


Since August and in response to a growing surge of demand, rail freight from China to Europe has been in full swing. As demand continues to grow, rail transport is facing congestion and overbooking which is impacting shipments, lengthening transit times.

Prior to China's national holidays (October 1-10), many departure delays were observed, since then schedules have resumed but delays still occur. Now, due to the blank rail transportation of the first week of October, and overbookings made, at origins, the railway companies are facing a shortage of equipment, especially 40HQ. Some trains leaving from Xi'an and Zhengzhou will also be cut in November.

At destination, the rail port of Malaszewicze in Poland is still facing congestion that is expected to ease in two weeks, but given the overbooking situation and the arrival of peak periods before Christmas, further congestion is expected to occur in November. In addition, the depots at the rail port of Duisburg in Germany are also full, leading to problems with the drop-off, thus lengthening transit times.

At the moment, it remains difficult to obtain space, so it is strongly recommended to anticipate bookings and schedules as much as possible. Due to the problem mentioned above, longer transit times are also to be expected. Our rail team is working at its best to handle your rail freight from China to Europe. If you have any questions, our teams remain at your entire disposal.

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