Our green mission: to achieve your corporate green responsibility objectives by transforming your supply chain more sustainable

Our green dream? To be able to offer you air, sea, and rail freight with "zero impact" on the environment! Unfortunately, it doesn't exist yet (or our procurement teams haven't found it yet), but we asked ourselves how can we get closer to it

As a first step, we have implemented an internal eco-responsible approach within our offices, through the implementation of daily actions in favor of the environment. Each of our offices sorts and recycles, and limits its energy consumption. In addition, the complete digitalization of all our processes has enabled us to drastically reduce our paper consumption. Subsequently, we have extended this approach to our warehouses and suppliers, who are now selected and referenced accordingly, as part of MyFreightOnline's quality and environmental approach.

Secondly, in the absence of offering zero-impact transport solutions, we wanted to offer you eco-LOGICAL transport solutions.

As soon as you request a quotation, along with the classic duo of costs and transit time, the estimated carbon emission will be displayed. We didn't yet invent a new engine with zero impact on the environment (we have really looked into it but to no avail...), but our aim is to provide you with maximum transparency on all transport solutions. Being transparent on all the solutions that we offer you as well as proposing different alternative eco-logical are our ecological niche. As well as accompanying you in your decision-making process by offering you different eco-logical alternatives for greener freight. Transparency, support & responsibility are our ecological slots.

It is also important for us to monitor your carbon footprint in an eco-LOGICAL way. Thanks to our dashboard, you will have at your disposal a series of tools and reports that will allow you to calculate your carbon footprint and monitor your CO2 emissions at all times depending on the mode of transport used.


If you hear about new green measures that are being implemented in the world of transport, please share it with our teams at: [email protected]

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